Joint exhibition deepens understanding between China and Italy

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(Adnkronos) – GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — This is a report from GDToday:  A joint exhibition between China and Italy was held in Italy's Bologna on November 18 (Rome's time). Lin Lan, president of Painting Academy of Guangdong, indicated that many famous artists started their artistic careers in Bologna and those artists have affected her painting style. She hoped that communication between the artists from China and Italy could be deepened through this exhibition. "The paintings are the result of the collision between Chinese and Italian culture," said Marilena Sutera, representative of Italian painter. She believes that inter-civilization exchanges will be accelerated through this exhibition.     The exhibition, named High Mountain and Flowing Water: Mostra D'arte Degli Artisti Cinesi e Italiani, has displayed more than 56 paintings which created by 3 Chinese artists and 3 Italian artists. "I think this is a very good idea to put artists in direct communication and work together and know each other," said Paola Manfredi, founder and director of PCM Studio. She thinks that the exhibition can close the distance between the two countries. Maria Azzolina, president of Italian-Chinese Institute, indicated that this exhibition is very important, because it is a conversation between Chinese artists and Italian artists. "Art is a language for all over the world and this is a very good friendship moment for our two countries," she added. The exhibition is one of the activities of the "2023 Charming China — Cultural Exhibition from Guangdong". The event will also be held in Egypt, Malaysia, including concerts featuring Guangdong music, art exhibition, photo exhibition and more. The event aims to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia, showcasing the profound cultural heritage of Chinese civilization and the charm of Lingnan culture to the world. Video – – –
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